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Vickie Lewin

Chief Growth Officer

As Chief Growth Officer, Vickie heavily influences strategic direction and business development initiatives for Amplify. She leads a team of sales and marketing professionals who are dedicated to understanding and effectively communicating the competitive advantages of Amplify’s innovative unifed, all-in-one platform for the wealth management enterprise. She also consults on product and market development across the organization and is an integral part of the leadership team.

Prior to joining Amplify, Vickie was Senior Vice President and Chief Success Officer of AssetMark from 2021 to 2024. She joined AssetMark as a $1 billion TAMP provider in 2001 and was an instrumental component of the team that grew the company to the $100+ billion industry leader it is today. Other roles she held at AssetMark include: Senior Vice President – Central Division and Internal Sales Development, Senior Vice President – Eastern Divisional Sales Manager, and New England Regional Consultant. Among other accomplishments while with AssetMark, Vickie helped successfully guide the company through several acquisitions and led the organization’s event marketing efforts which put on over 80 industry events each year. Prior to her time at AssetMark, Vickie was with FundQuest (now part of Envestnet), Investment Advisory Network (now SS&C Technologies), and Nuveen.

Vickie is a graduate of The Ohio State University and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English and communications. She was a member of the varsity tennis team and Kappa Alpha Theta. Vickie grew up in Arkansas, Indiana, and Ohio. While currently a resident of the San Franciso Bay area, she will be relocating to Scottsdale to focus all her energy on connecting to the Amplify team.

On a personal note, Vickie is newly married to Oren Lewin, and together they have five adult children.  She enjoys spending time with her family, travel, wine, golf and long walks on the beach, especially when doing these things with her husband. Vickie has also been active in recruiting more women to the financial services industry, and she is passionate about seeing more women enjoy successful careers in it like she has.