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More intuitive access to information.

Streamline communication of important information across the wealth management enterprise. Amplify Mesh puts intuitive access to key material and resources for all internal and external stakeholders within reach for firms of all sizes.

Communication is key.

Reduce barriers to assessing and consuming intelligence.

Mesh goes beyond digital asset indexing to redefine what a firm-wide communications platform should be. From policies and procedures to institutional investment research to marketing collateral to news and events, put the information your advisors and employees need at their fingertips. Track engagement to ensure the right message reaches the right audience.
Mesh 2nd Section

Focused interactions.

Advisory firms often fail at internal communications because staff members have a lot on their plates and advisors are overloaded with information. Mesh simplifies input and output of information flows, creates more focused interactions, and provides customizability to address the needs of large and small operations alike. With Mesh, Amplify continues its evolution toward the complete RIA Operating System (ROS).
Colorful squares containing various icons including messaging, user, settings, connectivity, contacts, insights, and security.
Your RIA Operating System (ROS) in action.

Making life simpler.

An RIA Operating System (ROS) should simplify processes, giving your team members more time to focus on what matters. This means decreased errors, increased stakeholder satisfaction, and optimized retention. From trade execution to internal communications, Amplify’s value proposition is satisfaction through efficient execution. Find out how Amplify can elevate outcomes for your advisory firm.

Our take on what a wealth management platform should be.

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